8 years ago my sister suggested I find a way to publish the amusing emails I sent her about our dog Zoe. Now there is blogging! Zoe tales are about Zoe (3 1/2 lb Chihuahua), Gracie (bigger and the world's friendliest Chihuahua) and other stuff I am thinking about. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Blog Discoveries

I've added some blogs to my list of reads on the right and I want to alert you to them if you don't already know. My post on hip-hop feminism got picked up on Technorati and sent some curious folks my way. I clicked on some of the other posts under that tag and found some interesting reading. Also, BlogHer has introduced me to some of the women I've added and I am very much looking forward to hopefully meeting them at the conference.

blackfeminism.org is "a community web log about race & gender" which, you might of guessed from reading here, are subjects and the intersection of which I am interested. If you are too, I encourage you to check out this blog.

Jeneane Sessum is on the advisory board of BlogHer and has a blog that is so open, honest and authentic that I was sucked in after my first look and "allied" was immediately added to my blog feeds. I encourage you to go check out what's on Jeneane's mind today.

Nichelle Stephens will be moderating the "Brown Bloggers Go West" session at BlogHer. Check out her "Nichelle Newsletter" where she will entertain you with her saucy wit and tales of life in NYC.

Lynne d Johnson
had a post on her blog "A Day In A Life" with follow up and excellent links post Chicago's Feminism and Hip Hop conference. Lynne proposed and will be hosting a "Room of Her Own" session at BlogHer to discuss feminist hip hop bloggers. Man, I don't know how I'm going to navigate that conference because I want to go to every session. Sigh.


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