8 years ago my sister suggested I find a way to publish the amusing emails I sent her about our dog Zoe. Now there is blogging! Zoe tales are about Zoe (3 1/2 lb Chihuahua), Gracie (bigger and the world's friendliest Chihuahua) and other stuff I am thinking about. Enjoy!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Favorite New Finds

I am so going to have to figure out how to add Flickr photos to this blog.  I've never used Flickr or found out what it is all about.  But I found this stream of pictures My Chihuahua is Cuter than Your Chihuahua. that is motivating me to learn all about it.
Also, I discovered a blog that reviews much of the same impulsively purchased food items as I often enjoy and occasionally mention here.  Check out The Impulsive Buy.
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