8 years ago my sister suggested I find a way to publish the amusing emails I sent her about our dog Zoe. Now there is blogging! Zoe tales are about Zoe (3 1/2 lb Chihuahua), Gracie (bigger and the world's friendliest Chihuahua) and other stuff I am thinking about. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

9/11 - Happy Birthday, Poppy Rose

This year, September 11 would have been my grandfather's 100th birthday.

Joshua Rose was the first African-American City Council Member in Oakland, California. Prior to that he established the Negro YMCA in Oakland.

He loved playing golf, eating peanut brittle and my grandmother. He took me to A's and Raiders games when I was a kid.

Today we celebrated his life and my grandmother's 93rd birthday. I'm glad to have some happy memories to hold tomorrow along with the sad ones.

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